Youths benefit from Welt Hunger Hilfe urban resilience program

Gweru youths to benefit From WHH Urban Resilience Building Project.

By Dumisani Ndlovu

Over 600 youths in Gweru are set to benefit from starter packs and financial literacy offered by Welt Hunger hilfe’s Urban Resilience Building programme Kwedu News has established.

The programme organisers WHH said the youths will be drawn from the eleven wards it operates from.

Speaking on the sidelines of the event, WHH urban Resilient Building Officer, Fanny Nyaunga said his organisation was keen to play a role in uplifting youths aged between 18 and 35.

“As WHH we are funding the youths projects to the tune of Us$30 000. We fund projects with a small budget not exceeding US$500 each”

“Its a revolving fund, which will go on and on. The first recipients
will work hard to raise the money of the assets to be provided and
that equivalent amount is passed on to the next youth. We sent the
word and notices to the respective wards which we operate in, in
Gweru Urban,” he said.

The organisation operates in ward 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 and 16 in the
city of progress.
He said the interested youth are expected to apply and provide a
concept note or project proposals.

“Those proposals where then filtered through by the grant technical
working group which which is mainly an organ constituted of some
government departments, Ministry of Youths, Ministry of Wome’s
Affairs, the District Development’s Coordinator’s office, Gweru City
Council, Gweru City Council and Social Development,” he said.

Maunga said the first batch will see 60 youths benefiting. These are
expected to pass on the funds to other 60 youths interested in
self-help projects.

The clear spoken, Nyaunga said since the fund is a component of the
broader project initiative of the urban resiliency building where they
are running various value chain,such as peanuts butter making
aquaculture,rabbitry among other projects,they expect it to uplift
youths in Gweru Urban.

“All in all we have 13 value chain, we expect youth to grow and
sustain their businesses”he said.

welthungerhilfe is a Germany name which means “For a World without Hunger”

Kwedu Classics

Fanny Nyaunga

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