Mbira(Thumb piano) an African identity.

Thumb piano an African identity
By Memory Mudzani

The thumb piano, or mbira is a uniquely African percussion instruments, it shows the identity of Africans.

Edison Kachuta a mbira instrument artist said mbira music originates from Africa and it truly symbolizes the Africans identity.
“Mbira music is our identity, it truly symbolize that we are Africans, “said Kachuta

Edson Kachuta said he grew up in Zvimba rural area where people used to play mbira on different occasions and ceremonies, he further said that he started playing mbira at an early age.
“At the age of 5 I started to play mbira instrument, my community contributed in motivating me to be a mbira artist because during ceremonies and occasion we could play mbira instrument “said Kachuta

Kachuta said that in African culture mbira helps to connect with the spirits and seek advice from ancestors.
He further said that his mbira music has dignity and a certain feeling of peace to the society.
Kachuta said he is teaching people how to play mbira in his community, so as to promote mbira music

“I’m teaching people from my community and also using my social media page about different occasions where mbira is being played and also on making and improving the type of mbira and quality sounds when playing mbira so as to promote mbira music and the at same time promoting our culture as Africans ,”said Kachuta
Kachuta said establishment of cultural center where mbira teachings will be taking place like mbira making ,playing , introducing mbira workshops in schools and also the should be a program where mbira will be played on all radio stations so that young people will get familiar with it.

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