ZIMCODD concerned about Gold Mafia allegations

By Delicious Mathuthu

Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) says it is concerned with the allegations raised by the four part series Al Jazeera documentary, ‘Gold Mafia’, which is stealing an opportunity to turnaround the socio-economic challenges millions of Zimbabweans are facing.

The organisation has called for the setting up of a high powered commission to get to the bottom of the alleged transnational crimes which could be perpetrating evil against the nation, working in collaboration with neighboring South Africa.

The Al Jazeera ‘Gold Mafia’ documentary
allegedly exposes gold smuggling syndicates, illicit financial flows, money laundering, corruption, state capture, power dynamics and abuse of diplomatic immunity and privileges.

In a statement, ZIMCODD said the alleged criminal activities are breeding poverty among millions of Zimbabweans as the country loses millions in revenue.

“The most brutal impact of gold smuggling is that it worsens socio-economic challenges that Zimbabweans are facing by stealing an opportunity to robustly generate revenue to address the same.

“These social and economic ills being encountered by the citizens include but are not limited to… 7.7 million people living in extreme poverty, 3.8 million rural people in need of food assistance, 1.6 million urban people in need of food assistance, 4.8 million children living in poverty, 1.6 million children living in extreme poverty.

“10% of children aged between 6-24 months are consuming a minimally acceptable diet! 4.6 million students are in need of Basic Education Module Assistance (BEAM), approximately 68% of pre-primary aged children (3-5 years) and 47% adolescents (13-18 years) are not in school and only one Radiotherapy machine for 16 million citizens,” ZIMCODD, said.

A special commission of inquiry into the alleged crimes is a necessity, ZIMCODD states, so that those responsible are brought to book.

“…ZIMCODD further calls upon the Office of the President and Cabinet to set up a Special Commission of Inquiry to ascertain guilt and hold all implicated officials accountable.

“The Special Commission of Inquiry must…suspend licences of the implicated pending investigations, be headed by a reputable former head of state or diplomat and a high court judge.

“[It must] be independent and empowered to fulfil its mandate. Broadcast all its investigations.

“Be given the power to subpoena. Consist at least three reputable members of parliament from both the ruling and opposition party.

“Collaborate with the same investigations which are being carried out in South Africa for the same cause so as to triangulate facts and findings.

“Have the legal authority to access any relevant document, have the authority to freeze properties of the implicated persons [and] give sound and actionable recommendations,” the ZIMCODD statement reads.

The organisation said the commission should be given three months to complete its task.

ZIMCODD further said if successful, the commission of inquiry findings will enable Zimbabwe to expose gold smuggling and all its networks.

It will also shape court proceedings in an effort to prosecute and recover all lost revenue, said the organisation.

They also bemoaned the alleged involvement of public institutions and abuse of diplomatic privileges.

“Key public institutions such as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) and Fidelity Printers and Refiners who are custodians of gold production and exportation are all implicated.

“This points to the scale and magnitude of the gold smuggling which has possibly been institutionalised.

“While the gold smuggling process is so sophisticated as to fit squarely under white collar crime, the implications are detrimental to Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) and Public Service Delivery (PSD).

“The arrogance and boastfulness of one Uebert Angel in the documentary stating how he can easily smuggle national resources is not only a cause for concern but a mockery of our national security. The ignorance or wilful misrepresentation of the same person as being the second in command in our governance system again is a breach to our national constitution,” ZIMCODD said.

The organisation, again, appealed to the Office of the President and Cabinet to “immediately relinquish Mr. Angel from his appointment and revoke all diplomatic privileges pending further investigations.”