Gold Mafia–Zim gvt take action

Gold Mafia: Zim Government to take action
By Delicious Mathuthu
The Zimbabwean government says it will not take lightly the allegations raised in a four part series Al Jazeera Investigations Unit documentary alleging massive corruption, gold smuggling and money laundering in the country.

In a press statement, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa, on Tuesday (4 April 2023) acknowledged the Al Jazeera documentary and said the Zimbabwean government takes the allegations raised seriously.

She said investigations to ascertain the allegations raised are now underway and all those found in the wrong will be prosecuted.

“Government takes note of a documentary titled ‘Gold Mafia’, currently being serialised by an international broadcasting channel which purports to expose a network of alleged money laundering and gold smuggling in Zimbabwe.

“Government takes the allegations raised in the documentary seriously, and has directed relevant organs to institute investigations into the issues raised therein.

“Any person found to have engaged in acts of corruption, fraud or any form of crime, will face the full wrath of the law,” she said.

Senator Mutsvangwa said Zimbabwe upholds international laws and distanced government from ‘personalities’ that use name dropping to commit the alleged crimes.

“Government takes this opportunity to re-affirm its commitment to
upholding local and international laws, including laws relating to
financial transactions, the trade of gold and other precious minerals.

“Boastful behaviour and name-dropping by some personalities featured
in the documentary, seeking personal gain and glory, should never be taken as an enunciation of Government Policy.

“Government remains seized with the matter and the nation will be
kept apprised of any new developments,” Senator Mutsvangwa said.

Al Jazeera, which compiled the high profile documentary through its Investigations Unit, says the Gold Mafia first episode titled ‘The Laundry Service’ was released on the 23rd of March 2023 and “exposes alleged illicit financial flows from Zimbabwe, including serious allegations of abuse of diplomatic immunity, illicit gold trading, corruption and money laundering in the mining sector.”

The second episode of the Gold Mafia documentary, called ‘Smoke & Mirrors’ reveals “how a South African gold mafia launders money from the sale of illicit cigarettes using Zimbabwean gold,” the news company says.

Transparency International called on the Financial Intelligence Unit, Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate further and introduce the necessary reforms to end such activities in the country in one of their statements.

So far, two episodes have been released with the two remaining expected to make more revelations to the transnational gold smuggling, money laundering and corruption activities.

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