High Court Judge bemoans upsurge in murder cases

Justice Makonese
High court judge bemoans upsurge in murder cases

By Dumisani Ndlovu
High Court Judge Justice Martin Makonese has expressed concern over the increase in murder cases which he said are rising out of petty disputes and misunderstandings. Justice Makonese was quick to appeal to traditional leaders and elders to assist in resolving domestic disputes which he believed is mainly arising out of incidents of infidelity and cases involving crimes of passion.

Officiating the opening of the 2023 legal year, Gweru High Court Circuit recently, Justice Makonese said the trend was worrisome and needed to be contained.

“There has been an upsurge in the murder cases in the country, in every province. The High Courts in Harare, Bulawayo, Masvingo, Mutare and Chinhoyi deal with a huge volume of murder cases. These cases usually arise out of petty disputes and misunderstandings.” said Justice Makonese.

In his speech the High Court Judge, Makonese took time to commend the Zimbabwe Republic Police for tracking down perpetrators of murder cases.

“I commend Zimbabwe Republic Police for tracking down perpetrators of murder cases. In some instances the police operate with limited resources in remote locations. Inspite of these challenges, offenders are brought to account and brought before the courts for prosecution,” he said.

Justice Makonese also hailed members of the public whom he said assist the police in tracking down offenders, and those who come to the courts to testify in murder cases.
“Let me take this opportunity to thank members of the public who assist the police in tracking down offenders, and those who come to the courts to testify in murder cases. In several instances witnesses travel long distances come to our courts to give key evidence against offenders,” he said.

Justice Makonese appreciated the cooperation of all citizens, he said assist in the administration of justice. He added that without relevant evidence the courts would not be able to determine the cases brought before them.
The top judge said the intervention would go a long way in reducing incidents of violent deaths.

He said there was a disturbing upsurge in violent crimes including armed robberies and murders arising from domestic violence.
According to Justice Makonese the term of the Gweru High Court circuit which will run for two weeks is set to hear 17 cases involving violent killings.

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