Youths with disabilities encouraged to take part in governance issues

By Memory Mudzani
Disability youth advocacy network in Zimbabwe (DYANZ) has encouraged young people with disabilities to participate in national development trajectory especially this year that we are having elections.

In an interview with Kwedu News, McDonald Munganasa the vice secretary for DYANZ said that as an organization they are encouraging young people with disabilities to participate in national development trajectory especially this year that the nation is expecting elections, young people with disabilities must register to vote not only young people with disabilities but also the able bodied youths must also register to vote because our nation has a large youth bulge.

“As an organization we no longer see the divide in what is called the society and persons with disabilities, for the latter also constitute the society, however, we are encouraging both the disabled and the able bodied youths to register in their numbers to vote for the nation they want,” said Munganasa
Munganasa further said that young people with disabilities have the right not only to vote but even to be voted into office on an equal basis with others, thus persons with disabilities must choose either way, guided by Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which gives a provision for them to participate in governance issues, referendums and elections as part of determining their own destiny.

“The vote of youth with disabilities in particular remains the premise of the development of the Zimbabwean nation so we are encouraging them to participate in the electoral process in their numbers,” said Munganasa
He further said that as an organization they converge at various fora where they are imparting voter education to people with disabilities.

“As an organization we converge at various fora where we impart voter education to people with disabilities, recently in November of 2022 we gathered at Rainbow Towers in Harare for the election of the Disability Senators where many issues of voting and voter education were being unpacked and also as DYANZ we have various social media platforms where we disseminate information with regards to voting and participating in governance at large, we are doing so and we shall keep on doing so as we approach the election days ” He said
Munganasa further said that their Organization facilitates the inclusivity of persons with disabilities in the national developmental issues because for development to be attained effectively, the input of persons with disabilities must be taken into consideration so we are urging everyone in the society and those living with people with disabilities to encourage them to participate in governance issues.”

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