Drug Abuse–Need to address root cause of problem

There is need to address the root cause of drug abuse
By Memory Mudzani

Drug and substance abuse has become rampant amongst young people in Zimbabwe especially teenagers which has resulted in young people dying prematurely and having mental health problems.
During the launch of drug, alcohol and mental health issues rehabilitation project at Kwekwe museum, Jane Chikuvadze who is a psychologist and the founder of this project said that there is need to solve the root cause of drug abuse so as to end drug pandemic.

Chikuvadze said she is starting this project in partnership with Anglican Church and also the council to have Godly and humble foundation and she has named it the light as she is trying to bring light to people who are suffering from stress and drug addicts so that they can lead a normal life.

She further said that as the society we are supposed to embrace people who are victims of mental health, drug addicts and help them so as to transform their minds which will help them in raising a standard of health
“As the society let’s create a favorable environment for people who abuse drugs let’s not call them names like vakomana vemutoriro or varwere vepfungwa but rather let’s try and find a way to help these souls they need us, lets raise awareness against the use of drugs and educating people on the dangers of stress to one’s mental health,” said Chikuvadze
Anglican church spokesperson also said Chikuvadze was given a vision to provide counselling to drug addicts and to people who are suffering from mental health and as a church they are encouraging people to help the government by raising awareness on effects of drug abuse because drugs are robbing the nation off young people who are the leaders of tomorrow

Chikuvadze further said that she has the aim to build a Health center in the city of kwekwe and a rehabilitation center to provide and to cure drug addicts and people who are suffering from mental health.
She encourages the society to refer drug addicts for proper counselling, instead of beating them or locking them up.

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